When comes the time to plan your kitchen, it’s important to consider the best way of keeping it highly functional. Different accessories have been invented to make life easier in your kitchen! We will talk about the various storage accessories for kitchen cabinets: systems for your food pantry, narrow storage systems and upper and lower corner cabinet solutions.

The food pantry

There are a few different types of pantry organization systems. This first one is equipped with a standard hinged door and retractable drawers like these gorgeous oak wood ones by Fiorio. They can be independently pulled out for 100% access all the way to the back of the shelves.
There are also pantries with a door that is fixed to all of the shelves as a single unit. You pull out the fixed door and all of the shelves pull out at the same time. In both cases, you have a choice for the number of shelves, as well as their height and width.
Narrow retractable shelves
Narrow sliding shelves for upper or lower cabinets can also be attached to the door or to the ‘filler’ (the piece that fills a narrow empty space). The retractable shelves are attached to the front panel and are pulled out on an extended sliding support for 100% access to everything in the back. These storage systems can be adapted with baskets for holding utensils, spices, oils, trays and more.

Upper corner cabinets

I really love the idea of a corner tower positioned at a 45 degree angle like this. This type of configuration provides a larger surface area for storage as well as a really wide opening for easy access all the way to the back. You can also integrate drawers as well as an oven and/or microwave.
The piano-hinged door
As you can see, with this door, either standard fixed shelves or a rotating shelving system can be installed. Having the piano hinge door allows more room for the legs when standing and preparing meals. The wedge cut out of the shelves is also important because it allows the door to close within the 90 degree corner angle.

Power glide systems

Corner cabinets are often the least organized cabinets in a kitchen but now there are a multitude of solutions, each more functional than the last, such as the ‘Magic Corner’ system by Fiorio. This system works with or without a hinged door and allows the entire storage unit to independently slide out for 100% access to everything. There is also a version that is fixed to the door and pulls out automatically like this one.
Here, once again, is an example of an unhinged door equipped with attached wooden shelves. The shelves are fixed to the door which can be partially or fully pulled out for easy access to everything without having to contort yourself. The wooden touch adds undeniable charm! This gorgeous unit solves all the problems and looks good too!

You would like to adopt some of these ideas in your own space but you don’t know where to start?
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